Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kucinich asks for recount in NH - Kucinich asks for New Hampshire recount in the interest of election integrity: Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich has alerted the New Hampshire Secretary of State to "unexplained disparities between hand-counted ballots and machine-counted ballots" in Tuesday's presidential primary, and he has scraped together two grand in loose change to initiate a recount. Admitting that his own candidacy is unlikely to benefit from such a recount, Kucinich insists that something greater is at stake.

"Ever since the 2000 election--and even before--the American people have been losing faith in the belief that their votes were actually counted." Kucinich has a point. George W. Bush was not the top vote-getter in 2000, yet he was still installed as President through a byzantine process that few Americans can explain and that foreign observers cannot begin to understand. Until we can certify one-man/one-vote, we are just another banana republic.

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